Barlin Communal Cemetery Extension, Pas de Calais, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 1 fusilier of the 4th NF, who died 28th Aug 1916, is buried at this cemetery
Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 6 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between the 27th Apr 1915
and 3rd May 1918, are buried at this cemetery

Calais Southern Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 2 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between 14th Jul 1915 and 8th Aug 1916, are buried at this cemetery
Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Poperinghe, Belgium
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 3 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between the 23rd and 29th Oct 1917, are buried at this cemetery
Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 14 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between the 3rd Feb and 30th Sep 1916, are buried at this cemetery

Etretat Churchyard, Seine-Maritime, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 1 fusilier of the 4th NF, who died 9th May 1915, is buried at this cemetery
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Poperinghe, Belgium
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 6 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between the 31st Jan 1916 and 21st Dec 1917, are buried at this cemetery
Longuenesse (St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 2 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between the 25th Jun 1916 and 11th Apr 1918, are buried at this cemetery
Namps-au-val British Cemetery, Somme, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 1 fusilier of the 4th NF, who died 28th Mar 1918, is buried at this cemetery
Perreuse Chateau Franco British National Cemetery, Seine-et-Marne, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 1 fusilier of the 4th NF, who died 12th Jun 1918, is buried at this cemetery
St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, Seine Maritime, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
Base hospital site throughout the war
At least 25 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between the 18th Sep 1916 and 25th Jun 1918, are buried at this cemetery, including:
Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille, Pas de Calais, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 1 fusilier of the 4th NF, who died 28th May 1918, is buried at this cemetery.
Main hospital site on the coast used throughout the war.

Tourgeville Military Cemetery, Calvados, France
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
Site of several main hospitals on the coast, used towards the end of the war.
At least 1 fusilier of the 4th NF, who died 16th Jul 1918, is buried at this cemetery
Wimereux Communal Cemetery, Pas de Calais
Linked with Base Hospital or Casualty Clearing Station
At least 4 fusiliers of the 4th NF, who died between the 29th Apr 1915 and 12th Apr 1918, are buried at this cemetery